Our Worship Ministries

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the worship space for all services, cares for the vessels, linens, and vestments, and arranges the flowers that adorn the altar. If you love spending quiet time with God in sacred spaces please consider this vital ministry!

Worship Assistants
Worship assistants add variety and a breath of fresh air to our worship services. Liturgy means “the work of the people.” Each service comes to life with the help of many. If you have the desire to serve at the altar or to assist with our worship please consider adding your voice. There are a number of ways to participate: Acolytes, chalice bearers, lay readers, and ushers.

If hospitality is your gift consider sharing your passion through our parish life ministry. Emmanuel is known for being a community church. We have parish picnics, retreats, dinners, and dances.

Coffee Hour
Working in pairs, parishioners host this weekly cornerstone of Emmanuel fellowship following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. If you have a passion for feeding people this is a perfect ministry!

This committee focuses on helping parishioners understand the importance of their commitment to supporting the church through their time, talents and treasure.

This committee focuses on the planning and delivery of worship. From music and reading selection to Gospel and Sermon planning, this committee ensures our worship services are filled with praise!