Adult forum
Each week adults gather in the community life room for continuing formation. This informal class covers a wide range of topics that relate to faith and theology. Some of our past topics include: The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, The book of Revelation, A study on saints, and a Vocabulary of our Faith to name a few.
Be sure to check the latest edition of the Evangelus for the current schedule and topics!

Weekly Bible Study
This class is open to anyone interested in digging deeper into scripture in a relaxed and informal setting. Using the Revised Common Lectionary, we explore the readings for each Sunday and how they relate to our own experiences. Each week we end with noonday prayer from the Book of Common Prayer.
Books For The Soul
This group of women from Emmanuel and the community meets out of a shared love of reading and a recognition of the value of fellowship and conversation. Books have included: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, The Gift of Imperfection, and Tattoos of the Heart.

The brotherhood of saint Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a nationally-organized Episcopal men’s group. At each meeting, two men prepare breakfast and a third volunteers to lead a discussion based on Scripture, church tradition, or a current event. For many, this monthly breakfast is a wonderful opportunity to deepen their relationships with their Christian brothers. As “the hands of Christ,” many members also participate on neighborhood projects, mission trips, and a twice-yearly grounds cleanup at the church.
Shrine mont parish retreat
Every year, following Easter, members of Emmanuel make their way to our camp and conference center, Shrine Mont, for a weekend of rest, relaxation, and renewal. This weekend is a highlight to many. There is hiking, front porch rocking, games, worship, and loads of laughter.